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NSDTR 'Toller' Basics:

Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, is the home of the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, for many years one of Canada's best-kept secrets. Tolling is a technique used to entice game to approach within firing range by arousing their curiosity. It's a trick used by the fox and when hunters saw how well the on-shore antics worked, they developed a dog to do the same thing. The Tollers were a mixture of retrievers, spaniels and setters with a possible farm collie cross thrown in. The breed was perfected in the latter half of the 19th century and was known as the Little River Duck Dog. After many generations of pure breeding, it was recognized by The Canadian Kennel Club in 1945 and christened the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

Highly intelligent and easy to train, the Toller has already made a name for itself in obedience competition. His playfulness, a part of Tolling, also makes him an entertaining companion.

A dog of great endurance, the Toller is also a strong swimmer and a natural retriever, both on land and water. The breed likes to work and should have lots of outdoor exercise.

A medium-sized sporting dog, male Tollers measure 19-20 in (48-51 cm) at the shoulder and weigh from 45-51 lb (20.5-23 kg). Females average 1 in (.5 cm) less and weigh 37-43 lb (17-19.5 kg).

The Toller wears a medium-length, water-repellent double coat with a softer, dense undercoat.

Tollers may be various shades of red or orange with white markings on the chest, feet and the tip of the ever-wagging tail.

Grooming consists of frequent brushing to remove dead hair and keep the undercoat free of mats.